Dear friends,
I would like to invite you to the event that I am organizing after the Christmas Walk in Prague by Lištičky, called: Pup in the Pub vol.3 with the subtitle: Merry Christmas.
Come and celebrate Christmas with us a few days before you celebrate it with your family.
At the event, you will have the opportunity to gift your anthromorph friends according to the guestlist.
The event will take place on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. until late at night.
At the event, the bartenders prepared a special drink with me (the surprise of the evening), which they will prepare for you with love as if from a master. In addition to this drink, a wide selection of other drinks will be available for you to enjoy an unforgettable evening.
Come and enjoy an evening full of fun, great music with me in the popular bar PIANO BAR at the new address: KOUBKOVA 15, PRAGUE 2.
Come in the Christmas mood and maybe even with a Christmas costume. Don't forget we'll be in the civilian club. ( note no BDSM things like bare parts etc. ) Be sure to bring masks and the necessary proprios.
Guestlist under the link:
So don't hesitate and come enjoy the evening with me and other sniffers.
I look forward to seeing you Nowell and Foxie